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Question 1 of 12
How would you describe your child?
Very motivated and ambitious to play at the next level.
Motivated and content with their sport performance
Very motivated, yet struggle with their sport performance
Question 2 of 12
Is your child excited and happy participating in their sport?
Yes, they love it and rarely get stressed out by it.
He/she seems a little overwhelmed by their sport.
No, it causes them more stress than happiness.
Question 3 of 12
Does your child perform well during competition?
Question 4 of 12
Is your child a female or male?
Question 5 of 12
What's the age of your child?
Under 12 years old
12 – 14 years old
14 – 18 years old
Over 18 years old
Question 6 of 12
What is your child's primary sport?
Field Hockey
Question 7 of 12
Does your child have a secondary sport?
Question 8 of 12
Does your child struggle with self-doubt?
Not that I have noticed
Yes, frequently
Question 9 of 12
Does your child struggle with performance anxiety?
No. My child is nervous and excited about the competition.
Sometimes. Occasionally the stress of competition can adversely impact performance.
Yes. Performance anxiety interferes with my child’s ability to perform at their highest level.
Question 10 of 12
Does your child struggle with inconsistent performance?
Yes, and it adversely impacts their confidence.
Yes, and they manage it well - they can move on to the next competition.
No. My child is very consistent in their performance.
Sometimes. Generally, my child is pretty consistent. However, on occasion, their performance is off.
Question 11 of 12
Does your child struggle with emotional control?
No. My child can stay in the moment and focus on the next play.
Sometimes. On occasion, my child may get frustrated or angry when certain events happen.
Yes. My child struggles with mistakes (and losing). It can take hours/days for them to regroup.
Question 12 of 12
What is the one area in which your child improved, would strengthen their performance?
Emotional Control
Reduce performance anxiety
Moving through mistakes
Reduce fear of failure
More than one of those above
I am not sure